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James Kendall, MSL
Director of Student Life
Great Basin College
Office Phone: 775-934-5422
Cell Phone: 786-251-8791
E-mail: james.kendall

Contact SGA
Phone: 775.327.2329


SGA Facebook Icon graphic.SGA Instagram Icon graphic. 
  SGA Twitter Icon graphic. 

Foundation Meeting Information page title graphic.

SGA Meeting Information

Find 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 SGA meeting agendas, minutes, and support documents here on our Meeting Information page!

All SGA meetings are open to the public and, according to the Nevada Open Meeting Law, must have posted agendas at least three business days prior to the meeting.

Viewing MS Word documents requires that Microsoft Word be installed on your computer. Viewing PDF documents requires the Adobe Reader plugin for your browser, available free from Adobe.


Please keep in mind, the meeting schedule subject to change.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 728 7029 9752
Passcode: 0ek8tg


2025 Agenda Documents
2-11-2025 2-3-2025 1-28-2025 1-21-2025
2024 Agenda Documents
12-10-2024 12-3-2024 11-19-2024 11-12-2024
11-5-2024 10-22-2024 10-15-2024 10-08-2024
10-01-2024 09-24-2024 09-17-2024 09-10-2024
09-03-2024 08-27-2024 08-20-2024 08-13-2024
07-16-2024 06-11-2024 05-14-2024 05-07-2024
04-30-2024 04-23-2024 04-16-2024 04-09-2024
04-02-2024 03-19-2024 03-12-2024 03-05-2024
02-27-2024 02-20-2024 02-09-2024 02-02-2024
01-26-2024 01-19-2024 01-12-2024 01-05-2024
2023 Agenda Documents
12-15-2023 12-08-2023 12-01-2023 11-17-2023
11-10-2023 11-03-2023 10-20-2023 10-13-2023
10-06-2023 09-29-2023 09-22-2023 09-15-2023
09-08-2023 09-01-2023 08-25-2023 08-18-2023
07-28-2023 06-30-2023 05-19-2023 05-12-2023
05-05-2023 04-28-2023 04-21-2023 04-14-2023
04-07-2023 03-31-2023 03-17-2023 03-10-2023
03-03-2023 02-24-2023 02-17-2023 02-10-2023
02-03-2023 01-27-2023 01-20-2023 01-13-2023


Minutes in draft form will be approved at the next applicable meeting and the approved minutes will replace the draft version once approved.

2025 Minutes Documents
2-04-2025 1-28-2025 1-21-2025 1-14-2025
2024 Minutes Documents
12-10-2024 12-03-2024 11-19-2024 11-12-2024
11-05-2024 10-29-2024 10-15-2024 10-08-2024
10-01-2024 09-24-2024 09-17-2024 09-10-2024
09-03-2024 08-27-2024 08-20-2024 08-13-2024
07-16-2024 06-11-2024 05-07-2024 04-30-2024
04-23-2024 04-16-2024 04-09-2024 04-02-2024
04-23-2024 04-02-2024 03-19-2024 03-12-2024
03-05-2024 02-27-2024 02-20-2024 02-09-2024
02-02-2024 01-26-2024 01-12-2024 01-05-2024
2023 Minutes Documents
12-15-2023 12-08-2023 12-01-2023
11-17-2023 11-10-2023 11-03-2023
10-20-2023 10-13-2023 10-06-2023
09-22-2023 09-15-2023 09-01-2023
08-25-2023 08-18-2023 07-28-2023
06-30-2023 05-19-2023 05-12-2023
05-05-2023 04-28-2023 04-21-2023
04-14-2023 04-07-2023 03-31-2023
03-17-2023 03-10-2023 03-03-2023
02-24-2023 02-17-2023 02-10-2023
02-03-2023 01-27-2023 01-20-2023

Contact the current student advocate for previous year's agendas and minutes.

For More Information Contact

James Kendall, MSL
Director of Student Life
Great Basin College
Office Phone: 775-934-5422
Cell Phone: 786-251-8791

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Why Great Basin College

Great Basin College, "The Gold Standard in the Silver State", offers associate and baccalaureate level education in academic, career and technical fields. Welcoming over 4,000 students annually from all corners of the country, both online and at our various campuses and centers, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载's presence extends across two time zones and spans more than 86,000 square miles throughout Nevada. A leader in rural higher education, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 takes pride in developing students who are well-prepared to meet the demands of industry and who contribute to the success and prosperity of the local economy.

We Are 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 graphic.
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